Energy Economy
Energy Economy in Plumbing
Reducing the use of cold and hot water without disturbing the balance of the environment we live in, without reducing the existing comfort will also provide serious savings in water costs.
Reducing water consumption also means reducing the energy power used by all equipment in mechanical installations.
As a result of reducing water consumption;
֍ Reducing water consumption and cost
֍ Energy economy in water distribution and pressurization systems
֍ Energy economy in hot water installation
֍ Hygiene
֍ Prevention of the risk of Legionnaires’ disease such benefits are provided.
Let’s explain Energy Economy in Plumbing under headings;
Reducing Water Consumption in Clean Water Installation With the increase in population and the increase in the level of welfare, the need for water, one of the most precious resources, also increases. Consequently, serious economic losses occur in every area where water is used. Reducing water consumption in clean water installation, which is our topic, is achieved in accordance with various criteria. These;
Architectural Design Measures
Wet areas such as bathrooms and toilets should be placed on top of each other in the vertical direction and side by side in the horizontal direction while drawing the architectural plans and should be as close to the mechanical installation center as possible. According to this architectural project, mechanical installation shafts should be created and the location of the shaft in wet areas should be designed so that the distance between the shaft and the final fixture is the least.
֍ Pipe cost,
֍ Pumping, electrical energy cost,
֍ Heat loss from domestic hot water and circulation pipe, decreases. Using hot, cold water and circulation pipes should not be passed through the outer wall in cold regions to reduce the risk of freezing.
The place where the water tanks used in the buildings will be placed should be under the ground. Bacteria reproduction occurs very quickly in warehouses due to the sun rays above the ground. In addition, the interior surface of the tanks should be smooth. In this way, pollution of the water dispersed in the installation is prevented.
Better Hand Washing with Less Water
Water consumption is very high while washing our hands.
While some soap their hands, they keep the water open and water flows in vain.
At the same time, instead of using plenty of water when washing hands, it is necessary to adopt the habit of hand washing as necessary.
Precautions in Mechanical Design
Measures that can be taken for sink taps and shower faucets;
The armatures chosen should be pleasing to the user and of high quality.
In order to reduce water consumption, the armatures used in the installations can be selected as sensor type.
In this way, when the user’s hands are not in the active area, it is prevented from working and wastage.
Selected luminaires should be evaluated considering their efficiency characteristics.
Sanitaryware selection;
What we mean by sanitary ware are toilet bowls and urinals.
Points to be Considered in Toilets
֍ Surface washing ability (complete washing),
֍ Cleaning capacity (reservoir water volume),
֍ Compliance of the reservoir liner quality with the reservoir (no risk of water leakage in the reservoir).
Considerations in Urinals
֍ Surface washing ability (prevents odor problem)
֍ Classic type urinal faucets should not be chosen.
֍ Water control should be done in automatic urinals.
֍ Since the cost of bass type urinal faucets is low, it is necessary to increase their usage.
An expansion tank should be installed a