Waste Control Procedure
It is the definition of the activities to be carried out in order to protect the aforementioned factors from the possible threats of the wastes that occur during the activities carried out in Pakel Architecture, Design and Project Implementation and are in the form of solid, liquid and gas / vapor to the natural environment, neighbors and the living environment. It is aimed to control the wastes according to these definitions and methods.
It covers all activities carried out in Pakel Architecture, Design and Project Implementation. All employees are responsible.
Foundation: It will be used instead of Pakel Architecture, Design and Project Implementation.
Field: It will be used instead of manufacturing and assembly areas.
Machine: It will be used instead of the machine and its connected equipment to be used in the disposal of waste.
Equipment: It will be used instead of vehicles, tools and equipment to be used in waste disposal activities.
Field Water: Within the manufacturing and assembly areas; It will be used instead of utility water that does not pose an environmental threat, such as rainwater, irrigation water, field wetting water, water spilled on the field for various reasons.
Usage Water: It will be used instead of water that goes to the septic septic channel such as kitchen dish water, hand-face cleaning water, machine-tool-equipment-equipment washing water, faecal water, which contains cleaning chemicals and has the potential to pose environmental threats.
Organic Waste: It does not contain chemicals or contains very few chemicals; packaging materials will be used instead of items such as paper, cloth, rags and wood scrap.
Synthetic Waste: It will be used instead of inorganic materials that contain unnatural substances.
Scrap: The residual from the raw materials or semi-finished products used during manufacturing and which can be recycled will be used instead of metal materials.
Management Representative: Responsible for the preparation, revision, cancellation, distribution, archiving and implementation of this procedure.
a.Law and Legislation Compliance
Our organization Environmental Law and other relevant legislations (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation / Regulation on Control of Solid Wastes / Regulation on Control of Hazardous Wastes / Regulation on the Protection of Air Quality / Regulation on Prevention of Exposure Risks to Biological Factors / Regulation on Health Safety Prevention in Working with Asbestos / Regulation on Health Safety Prevention in Working with Carcinogenic and Mutogenous Substances / Regulation on Health Safety Prevention in Working with Chemical Substances / Regulation on Control of Waste of Excavation Soil and Debris etc.). For this reason, a Waste Management System has not been established.
b.General application
֍ As General Cleaning, sweeping and collecting activities should be carried out continuously in the field.
֍ According to the characteristics of the waste collected as a result of general cleaning; metal scrap, paper scrap, wood scrap and landfills.
֍ Waste should be periodically coordinated by suppliers and public institutions to be removed from the organization’s field of activity. The wastes in the garbage storage area should be provided by the garbage and septic tank evacuation vehicles of the municipalities to which the organization is affiliated. In cases where this cannot be applied, supplier organizations should be used and directed to waste collection facilities.
֍ The septic tank pit, where utility water accumulates, should be cleaned at regular intervals by means of a vacuum truck.
֍ It is important to ensure the protection of scrap wastes for recovery and to regain them into the economy through suppliers.
c.Solid Wastes
Manufacturing Scrap Waste:
֍ They are wastes that arise during the manufacturing process and cannot be reused in production and are recyclable.
֍ It should be stored in a suitable area within the production area in a way that they can be separated according to their types and qualities. The separation process is important due to in-house side income, recycling facilities, cleanliness and environmental values.
֍ At certain intervals, supplier organizations will purchase scraps and improve the storage possibilities of other scraps that continue to evacuate the warehouse space and have circulation.
֍ The warehouse area should be suitable for the transition and loading of the supplier establishment areas.
֍ Employees of the supplier establishment must comply with the general HSE rules within the organization and use their Personal Protective Equipment during scrap discharge. This situation should be provided by supervision when necessary.
Non-Scrap Solid Wastes of Manufacturing:
֍ Organic (cardboard, wood, etc.) packages of raw materials and semi-finished products should be stored in the paper storage area and delivered to organizations with social purposes.
֍ Other wastes that are synthetic and non-recyclable will be destroyed by being sent to garbage storage and facilities.
֍ Organic (cardboard, wood, etc.) packages of raw materials and semi-finished products should be stored in the paper storage area and delivered to organizations with social purposes.
֍ Other wastes that are synthetic and non-recyclable will be destroyed by being sent to garbage storage and facilities.
Fluid / Liquid Wastes
Field Water Waste:
֍ The field water discharge due to precipitation should be drained into the stream determined by drainage ways. System drainage channels should be cleaned with appropriate equipment at regular intervals against drainage channel blockages for various reasons.
֍ It is mandatory to use water frequently, especially in hot weather, in dust-fighting activities carried out inside and outside the establishment. Although the field wetting waters, which dry quickly depending on the temperature of the air, are generally used on the concrete floor, they are also mixed with the soil from time to time. The absence of chemical and carcinogenic substance particles in the establishment also prevents soil poisoning. This practice must be maintained within our organization. Otherwise, it is important to apply these substances in a different and narrow area and to establish the field waters in a way that they do not mix with these substances.
Usage Waters:
֍ Water used for cleaning and containing chemicals should be drained properly. It should be gathered at a single point with its channels. Drain channels should be cleaned periodically with appropriate equipment and factors that may prevent the passage of the fluid should be eliminated.
֍ All cleaning water must be absorbed in the sewage system. In areas where a sewage system is not established; The septic tank pit, which is concreted gradually and not leaking to the soil, should be established in the field. It is important to create a control mechanism or system and collect the wastes by means of a sewage truck so that it does not leak out.
֍ Public institutions for directing cleaning water and waste to treatment facilities their assistance should be consulted.
Volatile Gas / Steam Wastes
In general, hot work is carried out within our organization, and the gases produced are far below the environmental interaction values. Our activities are generally carried out in the open area in the construction site environment. Indoor works are carried out in suitable places with a high roof and lighthouse facility. For this reason, it was not deemed necessary to establish a special ventilation or Gas Waste Management System. However, it is important that employees who work here and are exposed to welding gases use Personal Protective equipment.
֍ Forms
֍ References
All distributions are made in the electronic environment (soft copy) using the common area that the latest revision of the documents is notified to all department / unit p